Clifford REAGAN -- to -- George L. REAGAN
George Milton REAGAN -- to -- John Henninger REAGAN III
John J. REAGAN -- to -- Nancy REAGAN
Nancy Gail REAGAN -- to -- Sarah R. REAGAN
Sonya Jean REAGAN -- to -- Martha Finney REESE
Annie Benton REEVES -- to -- Quissa REID
Ann REMEY -- to -- R.V. RIDDLE
Johnathan Nathaniel RIEL -- to -- Elisha ROBERTSON
Jesse ROBERTSON -- to -- Orville ROGERS
Sarah ROGERS -- to -- Vicomte Tesselin of ROUEN
Eve of ROUSSILLON -- to -- Jemima RUSSELL
John RUSSELL -- to -- Stephen SABIN
Timothy SABIN -- to -- Sarah Abigail SCARBROUGH
Adam SCHMIDT -- to -- Ann SELMAN
Ann (Nancy) SELMAN -- to -- Greenlee "Green" Bean SELMAN
Henry Douglas SELMAN -- to -- Lucinda SELMAN
Martha SELMAN -- to -- Thomas SELMAN
Thomas SELMAN -- to -- Tertullus SENESCHAL
Adele of SENLIS -- to -- Shirley SHORT
Pepin III (The SHORT) -- to -- Johan Peter SHULTZ
Johan Valentine SHULTZ -- to -- C.D. SIKES
Elizabeth Jo Ella SIKES -- to -- Virginia SIMS
Mildred SKAIFE -- to -- Humphrey SMITH
Jacquelyn SMITH -- to -- Evan Arnold SNYDER
Aminda SOLOMON -- to -- Mary Jane SPURGEON
Della SPURGORS -- to -- Alice STARR
Allen STARR -- to -- John Leonhard STENTZ
Judith STENTZ -- to -- Thomas STONE
UP (Agnes - Margaret ZLEVERT )
BACK (Phoebe PARKER - Clarence REAGAN )
NEXT (Governor William STONE? - Margaret ZLEVERT )